Stock Labels & Tags
We offer one of the largest selections of stock labels
Nobody carries more stock labels! Repacorp offers one of the largest selections of stock labels in the industry, including thermal transfer labels, direct thermal labels, RFID enabled labels, flood coated labels, direct thermal mobile printer rolls, laser sheets, integrated label sheets, UL Compliant, and GHS constructions.
Repacorp also carries popular handling labels, “Made in the U.S.A.” labels, and inventory control labels. Choose from our stock imprints or create a custom imprint for your customer using our stock labels.
Repacorp offers an unbranded stock label catalog that you can customize with your company’s branding so that you can offer your customers over 800 stock items. Stock labels ship the same day under your company name and logo, keeping your name in front of your customers and encouraging reorders.
Suggested markets and industries: Warehouse, inventory, retail, and shipping.
Stock labels and tags include:
- Thermal transfer labels
- Direct thermal labels
- Fluorescent & flood coated colors
- Liner-free repositionable DT label rolls
- Laser sheets
- Integrated laser sheets
- Specialty materials & tags
- RFID enabled labels
- Dymo compatible labels
- Inkjet labels
- Inventory control labels
- Handling labels
- Made in the U.S.A. labels